Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Keeping Yourself Safe At Work

Everyone deserves to be safe at work. The good news there is that most of the situation is perfectly within your own hands, and you can be sure that you are generally going to be able to make the most of it to keep yourself safe. Of course, the actions of your employer and your colleagues also play a role, but that is generally going to be secondary to simply adopting the proper behaviour at work yourself.

In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the major ways in which you can hope to keep yourself safe at work. As long as you are doing the following, you should find that your safety is being looked after much more effectively on the whole.

Take The Training

Something that should happen in every job when you start it is that you should be offered health and safety training first and foremost. If you are offered this, make sure you take it. This is probably a legal requirement in your area, as it is in most, but it is also just a really good idea. With that training underneath your belt, you are going to find that it’s so much easier to know how to act safely and without putting yourself or others under any risk at all. So not only should you take the training – you should make the most of it, and really get into it when you are doing it. That way, you will simply be a lot safer in your daily job.

Keep Your Managers In Check

You might often feel powerless in the face of your managers, but it’s something that you are going to want to try and overcome if you are keen to stay safe in the workplace. If you ever find your managers doing something that is clearly dangerous, or which is not putting health and safety at the forefront of things, then this is going to be the kind of situation that you need to blow the whistle over.

Pic – CCO Licence

Of course, that is not always easy to do, but there is one situation in which it might become easier, and that is when you are personally involved in a safety incident. If you are hurt at work because of your manager’s poor action or lack of action, seek out the quality legal representation you deserve at once and make sure that you get what you deserve – while also doing all you can to avoid future individuals suffering the same fate.

It’s only by taking action at the right time and in the appropriate manner that you can expect things to improve over time, so it’s vital that you don’t overlook this if you can help it.

Take Extra Precautions

As well as the essential health and safety training, and the precautions that are put into place by law and by your workplace, you might find that there are certain other precautions that you want to take yourself as well. These are hugely important to be aware of too, as in following these you are going to find that it is just so much easier to keep yourself safe and well at work. By taking extra precautions, you are much more likely to be in a good position, and you’ll find that staying safe at work is so much more likely to happen. This is then going to mean that you feel more empowered in general with regards to looking after yourself, which is a hugely powerful feeling to have.

Pic – CCO Licence

Take Breaks

Most of the safety issues that crop up at work could have been avoided if those involved simply took regular breaks more often. If you are taking a lot of breaks, you are less likely to make a mistake as a result of being tired or not thinking straight, which is obviously going to make a huge difference to the outcome of those situations. However, if you are taking regular breaks, you know what you are doing, you can remember the health and safety rules, and you will be able to do what needs to be done in each situation. So consider that taking breaks is not only for you, but for everyone who works in the workplace with you. Once you think along those terms, you will realise the importance of actually taking your breaks when you need to.

If you can do these things, you will be so much safer at work, and so will other people around you.