I am distraught to learn about the senseless killing of a Muslim family by a white man in London, Ontario.
On 6th June, 2021, a family of five were out for a walk when they were struck by a pick-up truck. The entire family died except for a 9-year-old boy who was hospitalized for serious but not life-threatening injuries. London Police Chief, told reporters that based on their investigation they found that this was an intentional act. He added, “We believe the victims were targeted because of their Islamic faith.”
Twenty-year-old Nathaniel Veltman, a white man, was the murderer.
It’s time to put an end to Islamophobia and to be more open to people from other races, religions, and sexual orientations.
What is Islamophobia
Islamophobia is the fear of, hatred of, or prejudice against the religion of Islam or Muslims in general. Islamophobia has manifested itself as vandalism of mosques and physical assaults on Muslims, including violence against Muslim women wearing the hijab or niqab. And of course, murder.
Most Islamophobic in North America, are white supremacists who are afraid of other cultures or religions other than their own. Politicians such as Donald Trump, with his rhetoric, have contributed to the growth of Islamophobia.
Islamophobia is a subject that should concern all of us. Canada is a multicultural society, built by immigrants of all countries. We all should be concerned and reject Islamophobia and racism in all its facets. When we stand against Islamophobia, we stand against racism.
Most Muslims are peaceful, law-abiding citizens, lovers of peace and harmony. Sure, there are a few bad apples, but it’s just the same with our Canadian and U.S. citizens, there are a few white supremacists who are murderers, but most white people are also law-abiding peaceful loving people.
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