I often ask my friends this question:
- If money was no object, what would you do with your life?
- If you had a ton of money, which charities would you support or initiate?
Of course, the follow up question is “Why?”
I think the need to make money to pay the bills clouds our thinking.
I am not sure if anyone would truly want to be an accountant or a dental hygienist if it wasn’t for the promise of a steady salary and job security. I have never heard of anyone doing dental cleanings as a hobby. Yet, if you ask a young person what do they want to do professionally, many of them will say accounting, dentistry, etc.
I am getting closer to Financial Independence
As I am getting closer to financial independence, I ask myself this same question. What would I do if money was no object.
As I look at today’s millionaires and billionaires, I know that they don’t do what they do for the money. Jeff Bezos doesn’t go to work at Amazon because he has to pay the rent, he goes to work because he loves what he does. The same goes for Elon Musk, and Bill Gates.
So for me, the question is remains: What would I do if money was no object?
Matching desire and skills
One time I took an Uber ride. The driver came and picked me up in a new Cadillac. I was confused. As an Uber driver, you want to keep your expenses to the minimum and that includes the cost of the automobile. Why drive a Cadillac when you can make exactly the same amount of money driving a Toyota Yaris or any other inexpensive vehicle, so I asked him why was he driving a Cadillac as an Uber driver.
He explained that he was a retired construction worker. He didn’t need to work anymore, but he would get bored at home watching TV and in order to get out of the house and do something useful, he would drive a couple of hours for Uber.
I would speculate that he drove for Uber because he didn’t have the skills to do something else. I know that being an Uber driver is not easy and that if that guy had the skills to do something more interesting, he wouldn’t be an Uber driver.
What do people do in retirement
When I type in my search box: what do people do in retirement, I get the following answers:
- Travel the world
- Remodel the house
- Start a business
- Do something artistic
- Become a volunteer
People want to stay active, have a purpose. Those who stay home and watch TV, they die early or die of sadness.
What would I do if money was no object
I want to produce something of value for society. I also want to feed my sense of self worth.
For the moment I am very happy with my podcast. I get to speak to amazing people and I get to share those conversations with an audience, but at the same time, I am always on the lookout for something more.
No only do I want to produce something of value but I also want to be recognized for it.
I turn it to you
What would you do with your life if money was no object? What’s important to you?
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