It’s called the Grocery Rebate Payment. It’s free money from the Federal government. It just landed in my checking account this morning.

The Grocery Rebate is equivalent to double the GST/HST credit amount I received for January 2023.
I will take the money without question. The money is given with the purpose of helping Canadians tolerate the high inflation in Canada.
There is no much you need to do to qualify. If you are single, you need to have filed your 2021 income taxes and earn less than $49,000 per year. If are a family with children you qualify until your family income surpasses $64,000.
On the other hand, I am not sure giving free money to Canadians is the most effective way to fight inflation. In fact, I think it has the opposite effect. Free money creates inflation. But hey, I am not going to give my $233.50 back for the greater good of fighting inflation. I will leave that job to people smarter than me.