Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Store Open sign

How To Make Your Storefront More Appealing

When managing a retail store, it’s important to remember that first impressions count. A well-designed storefront, with eye-catching displays, can encourage new customers to step through the door, whereas a poorly maintained or designed space will have the opposite effect.

With that in mind, here are some effective ways to make your storefront more appealing!

Give yourself a clean slate through pressure washing. The exterior of your property is continuously exposed to the elements, which means it must stand up against rain, snow and everything in between. This often means that signs of wear and tear are present, alongside built-in dirt and grime that can leave your storefront looking a little worse for wear. Pressure washing is a straightforward way to “wash away” the years (and the dirt)! Find out more by visiting

Put your name on the map through signage. Proper signage is also key to increasing foot traffic and making your storefront look a little more appealing. After all, without signage, it would be difficult to distinguish your business from any other businesses on the same street – which could prove to be problematic if you’re surrounded by key competitors. Ideally, you should ensure that your signage is bright and eye-catching and that your logo or brand name is displayed clearly. It should also give some indication as to the kind of brand you are! 

Keep those windows clean. Dirty windows and dusty displays tell the customer that you do not really care about how your business looks. This, in turn, suggests that this low-effort approach applies to the rest of your business. In short, it could cause reputational damage before they’ve even stepped through the door. Ideally, internal and external windows should be cleaned on a monthly basis. 

Learn more about the art of effective window displays. Much like signage, window displays are a great way to capture the attention of your target audience and encourage them to come inside and find out more. In fact, according to a recent study, “window displays alone can boost foot traffic by 23%.” However, this does not mean that you should simply throw a random assortment of your products onto the display. You need to ensure that your window display is carefully curated in order to gain the most benefits.

For example, you should choose a specific theme for each display, ideally one based on the latest trends. During the summer months, for example, clothing companies should create vacation-themed displays that feature the hottest clothes of the season. As customers will already be looking for these products, this lets them know that you’re able to fulfil that need. As a general rule, you should switch up your store displays at least once a month or more often if you are really on the ball with trends! 

You should also be strategic in regard to product placement. For example, a recent study found that “products at eye level are 82% more likely to be bought.” As such, if you have a particularly large stock of one product that you are trying to shift, placing it at eye level could help! 

Play welcoming music inside your store. While background music should always stay background music (i.e., don’t play it too loudly), studies have found that stores that play music tend to receive more foot traffic than those that do not. This is because it helps you to create the perfect, welcoming atmosphere for your customers. 

Find new ways to incentivize customers. Sometimes, having a team member stand at the entryway to your store and hand out free samples of products can also help to increase foot traffic. This is because customers who may otherwise have walked past without a second glance will now be stopped in their tracks (freebies often have that effect on people). During this time, your team members can tell them a little bit more about the business and encourage them to come inside. By having your best customer service experts on the street, you’re also presenting your store in a more positive and friendly light. 

Whether you’re situated on a quiet road or a busy street front, it can be difficult to get customers to come through the door. However, making an effort to spruce up your storefront is a great starting place. After all, this can make your store stand out from the sea of businesses surrounding you, whether that be through eye-catching signage or an award-worthy window display.