Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

How To Have A Happy Workforce


Happy employees are more productive than unhappy employees — fact. That can’t come as much of a surprise to anyone. But this isn’t the only reason that employers are focused on employee happiness; most employers want to create businesses where people want to come to work and do their best. A good employer recognizes that their workforce is full of individuals who deserve the chance to do their best and be in an environment that values them. So, how do you cultivate a happy workforce? This article will give you some tips and tricks. 

Provide proper perks 

Don’t underestimate the power of meaningful perks, like good insurance plans and vacation allowances. In an uncertain world, these things can make a world of difference to employers who may be feeling the pinch. Compensation can often mean as much as a salary, so it’s time to take these things seriously. Consider putting in place a serious health plan by choosing an innovative healthcare plan like Archer Health

Invest in your team’s growth

Personal development is probably very important to you, so why shouldn’t it be for your employees? If you want to make sure the team knows that they are valued, focus on their growth (both professionally and personally). This will keep them feeling fulfilled, and that, in turn, will keep them away from the job sites. You can subsidize educational courses or conferences, launch a development plan or even plan a series of ‘lunch and learns’ where you invest guests to talk. 

Keep it sociable 

Getting people mingling can be challenging — and you definitely can’t force people to be friends — but it’s definitely worth the effort. After all, everyone knows that going into work is much more fun when you have friends. So, arranging events that allow people to get to know each other and build strong bonds naturally is vital. Planning events throughout the year rather than having just one blow out like a Christmas party will take the pressure of individual events, and allow time for potentially more shy employees to come when they’re ready. 

Say thank you 

Recognizing when people do a good job is sorely underestimated. People are far more likely to be told off for doing work than they are to be praised for doing great work, and that’s got to change. Studies have shown that recognition has a considerable influence on the happiness of employees. So, start to praise your employees and really recognize people for the hard work they put in. It makes a difference. 

Incorporate wellness 

Wellness isn’t just a buzz term for millennials; it makes a huge difference. Some of the highest-ranking employers have wellness schemes that are put in place to make workers happier and healthier. This can range from morning yoga sessions to lunchtime mindfulness, to providing free subscriptions to meditation apps. Whatever your budget, incorporating wellness into your businesses culture can have a huge positive influence. 

Hopefully, this guide will help you create a happier workforce.