Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

How To Get Lucky and How To Avoid Bad Luck

How To Get Lucky? by being at the right place at the right time.
Traveling through Iceland

Luck plays a major roll in our lives. Luck may seem random but there are things we can do avoid bad luck and there are things we can do to increase our chances of good luck.

Abundance of bad luck

The first part of my adult life was plagued by a myriad of bad decisions, those bad decisions brought plenty of bad luck with them. I was increasing my probabilities of encountering bad luck by getting involved with drugs, alcohol, lying, and cheating. Of course, bad things happened, one after the other one, I was unlucky, but I brought that bad luck upon myself.

The beginning of a good luck streak

Finally, I got tired of being punched in the face by bad luck. I took one blow after the other one until I decided to change my environment, I made a decision that changed everything, I moved to Canada with a desire to start a new life. In my new life, I was going to work hard, and I was going to educate myself, and never stop the process of self-improvement. Interestingly enough, when I made that decision, my luck changed and all kinds of positive things started to happen.

Being open to serendipity

My first girlfriend in Canada wanted me to take dance classes with her. I was not interested in taking dance lessons, but I wanted to please her, so we learned how to dance.

To my surprise, I enjoyed dancing and dancing became a huge part of my life. I was able to make a career out of it. Later on, in my life, I opened a dance school which was a big source of my happiness and a steady source of income for more than ten years.

Lesson: Don’t be afraid of getting out of your comfort zone and try new things. Whenever you try something new you are allowing serendipity to enter your life.

Be open to meet other people

A big part of being lucky is building relationships which could bring us good luck. You won’t meet other people if you are always at home and always getting together with the same four people. Go to places where you might meet people who have an alternative point of view or who could be collaborators in future projects.

A group of friends invited me to go to a party where I didn’t know anyone. I accepted.

It was at that party where I meet my business partner who has been working with me in all kind of different enterprises for over 14 years, in particular, we ran an dance school together for 7 years. Together we have built a relationship where we trust and help each other, and we have made good money along the way.

Don’t be afraid to try new things

After seven years of running my dance business, I was feeling tired. While having lunch with a friend, she told me of a new company called Airbnb and she explained to me how it worked.

I decided to become an Airbnb host and right away I bought a condo to host people. I loved the results so much that shortly thereafter, I bought another condo, and then another one.

I made lots of money with my Airbnb operation. Eventually, I got tired of it and I sold my properties at a profit. These opportunities were created because I was willing to try something new.

Be generous

Every time you have an opportunity to give, whether it’s your time or money, give. I am strong believer in the law of reciprocity.

Reciprocity means that in response to friendly actions, people are frequently much nicer and much more cooperative than predicted by the self-interest model; conversely, in response to hostile actions they are frequently much more nasty and even brutal.

You don’t always get reciprocity from the same person you were generous with, but the universe is watching, and when you are generous with one person, the universe may have another to compensate you.

Be nice to people

Being nice, smiling, shaking hands, giving hugs, don’t cost much, yet the return could be huge.

I don’t know how many opportunities have come to me because I am nice to people, but I feel that my friends and family support me 100% in every new initiative I take.

Use common sense
  • Stay away from harmful activities such as drugs and alcohol.
  • Always keep your word
  • Read every day
  • Keep in touch with friends and family
  • Do exercise
  • Eat less meat or stop eating meat altogether
  • Be a beacon happiness and optimism.

When you continue doing positive things over and over, eventually opportunity knocks on your door and people around you will comment about how you always get lucky.

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