Are you having feelings of guilt during the pandemic? These are meta feelings or meta emotions. Feelings about feeling.
Many people are feeling shame or guilt about being OK in this time of crisis.
Millions of people are getting infected with COVID-19, millions have lost their jobs, hundreds of thousands are dying, and I am sitting in the comfort of my apartment, doing my work from home, ordering take-out, and receiving Amazon packages right in front of my door.
There was another time when I was aware of my meta feelings.
When my father died, I didn’t cry, I didn’t feel any sorrow. The truth is that my father abandoned my family, he wasn’t around much, so when he died there wasn’t much to miss, but I did feel guilty for not feeling sad.

I am OK, but sometimes I am overwhelmed with feelings of guilt
At the beginning of this pandemic, I was as terrified as everyone else. I was checking-in with friends and family to make sure they were OK.
I lost my two businesses, a dance school, and an event photography business. I didn’t feel sadness over that, I was happy to be in good health.
I did feel some financial anxiety. I was counting my money almost every day, playing out different scenarios in my head, and trying to figure out how long I could survive without an income. I sold my car and I reduced or eliminated every unnecessary expense.
After a few months, I found my footing and realized that I am OK.
Over time, I was grateful that my family was fine, and none of my close friends were affected by the virus.
Because of the lack of distractions, was able to focus on my podcast and my blog and started earning enough money to pay for all my needs.
But people are dying all over the world
At the same time, it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed by the pain and suffering going on all over the world. There is a survivor’s guilt that continues intruding on my emotions. How dare I to be OK when millions are not?
How to overcome the feeling of guilt?
If you feel any of these emotions, there are a few things you can do.
- Realize that you are not the only one feeling guilty about being OK. Millions of other people are feeling the same.
- Recognize your feelings. You can’t do anything about the way you feel. Acknowledge what you are feeling and learn to live with it. Suppressing your emotions can create a lot more harm to you and to others.
- If you have a close friend who you trust, share your feelings with that person, this will alleviate the anxiety and the self-judging. Shame dies when you expose it to the light.
- Wear your mask and avoid social gatherings. Think about that. If everyone did that for two weeks, this disease will go away. By doing your part, you are contributing towards the good of all of us.
- There are a lot of people who are suffering from loneliness. Call someone and talk to them for 30 minutes.
- Support your local business. It might sound selfish, but by ordering food from your local restaurant or buying stuff from the local store (with your face covered) you are helping the economy survive.
- If you have the means, donate to your favorite cause.
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