Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

How Prosperity Can Make You a Generous Person

How Prosperity Can Make You a Generous Person

When I visit my family in my native Colombia, I always try to help out those family members who need help the most.

As an immigrant arriving in Canada, I didn’t have the financial means to help anyone — I was struggling just to get by. But over the years, things have changed. Although I’ve never been a high earner, I learned to invest my modest income in the stock market. Today, I’m in a position to help my family if they need me.

One of my neighbors works in two different jobs you because she likes to help out her sick mother in Africa.

Every year, millions of immigrants come to the U.S. and Canada to earn enough money to help our family members in our countries of origin. But one thing is obvious, people can only be generous when they earn enough money to satisfy their own needs.

The Link Between Prosperity and Generosity

People with more money have greater capacity to give. Someone barely managing to pay rent may find it hard to be generous, while those with excess disposable income often find ways to contribute.

It’s not that wealth automatically makes someone more generous—it simply provides the means. Some wealthy individuals choose to give because they find joy in helping others, while others may give out of a sense of boredom or obligation.

On the other hand, those who are naturally generous may lack the resources to act on their generosity. The unfortunate reality is that genuine generosity often requires both time and money, and those struggling to make ends meet rarely have either to spare.

Why Solving Your Own Problems Comes First

Let’s face it: life is overwhelming for many. Most people are preoccupied with their own challenges—financial stress, time constraints, or emotional struggles. In these situations, their generosity is often limited to fulfilling their own responsibilities, which is no small feat.

It’s only when we create space in our lives—financially, emotionally, and mentally—that we can help others.

Of course, there are exceptions: There are people who have time and money but no inclination to help others. Yet, I’ve found that when people achieve some abundance—whether it’s having extra time, emotional energy, or financial resources—they are more willing to offer a helping hand.

Money Matters More Than Good Intentions

Let’s be real: kind words and good intentions don’t pay the bills or solve major problems. My neighbor, with a sick mother, could say the most kind and understanding words to her mother, but it’s the money that she sends what helps pay for the medical bills.

It’s not about randomly giving cash to friends and family, but understand this: sometimes, writing a check or donating money can create more happiness than well-meaning holiday wishes.

One of the many ways to become a better person, is simply to make more money. Abundance fosters generosity, and with greater resources (money, time, empathy), you’ll be better equipped to help others.

Practical Steps to Build Abundance

To help others, you need to first create abundance in your own life. This means:

  • Create an investment account and contribute to it regularly.
  • Drop some of the busy-work you do to have more time to help others.
  • Find a way to solve your emotional issues so you can have the mental space to help others.

If you’re constantly worried about your own problems, you’ll have little capacity to help others. Solve your own issues first, and you’ll find that you’re in a much better position to help others.

A Timeless Lesson on Abundance

The Roman philosopher Seneca wrote in On the Shortness of Life:

“It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Life is long if you know how to use it.”

The most valuable thing we have is our time. If we use it wisely we can create a fulfilling life for ourselves and for others.

The Path to Prosperity

We have to find a way to break away from the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle and find ways for long term abundance. I did it through my stock market investments, you have to find your own way. We all have the potential to live a life of abundance that allows us to help those around us.

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