Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Airplane flying above tall building

How Far Would You Go For Your Career?

We often talk about career progression and the art of moving your career further. However, more and more individuals find themselves stuck in a path that doesn’t fulfill their dreams anymore. Career change is sometimes frowned upon, as most of us assume that choosing a career is a once-in-a-lifetime decision. In reality, the choices you made aged 20 may not be relevant anymore once you’ve gathered more experience in the field. What happens next? Is career progression the answer when you don’t enjoy your job any longer? Of course not. Changing careers is the art of redefining your joy and excitement in your professional life. It is no easy task, but it’s crucial to your mental health and job satisfaction. Yet, it can be challenging. How far do people go to make the right change? 

Getting professional help

When taking a fresh look at your career, you might find that you have many options but you might not know what path to take. In this instance, it’s good to talk with a career counselor to help you figure out which should be the next professional step. There has to be the right balance between financial compensation and career satisfaction.

Once you have narrowed down your career choices, the next step is to get someone to help you find the right employer. Let’s say that you are an engineer or a nurse or computer programmer in the city of New York, it will be wise to look for a provider of resume service in new york to help you write a winning resume so you can secure job interviews and land the position that you want. Using the services of a professional is an expense worth taking.

Moving to a new country

You might want to move to a different country. We live at an age when people are considering remote working as a permanent solution, which makes them question whether relocation is truly a necessary step. Opinions are divided on this topic. However, depending on your career path, changing your environment can make a huge difference. For example, someone who is passionate about tech innovation could benefit from jumping starting a new career path in Silicon Valley, the home of successful startups and innovative technology. Therefore, it makes sense to reach out to an immigration lawyer to consider work visa arrangements when you choose to move your career forward. 

Boosting your resume

Changing countries instantly adds new skills to your resume, even if it’s only new language courses. However, even when relocation isn’t an option for you, purposefully updating your skills remains a priority. You can’t improve your career without investing in your skillset. Going back to school as an adult is challenging. it is a time-demanding and expensive decision. Thankfully, online studies can help make your degree more manageable as you can fit it around your day-to-day job. But there’s no denying that when you’re in the middle of paying back your student’s debts, the last thing you may want to do is to take another student’s loan. Unfortunately, there is no way around it if you’re going to transform your career. Education is non-negotiable. 

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Creating your expert corner

How can you make sure people will notice you in a crowded field? There is no miracle solution. If you want people to know about your skills and your experience, you need to make some noise. That’s precisely where an expert corner can make a huge difference. Managing a blog, a vlog, or a podcast is synonymous with a lot of work. But this is precisely what’s going to showcase your expertise. Your blog differentiates your profile from the competition and can provide the substance you need to validate your claims. Ideally, you want to introduce recognized authorities in your content, as these act as trust badges. You can link to trustworthy organizations, show your partnerships and sponsors, and even use your platform to reference publications. 

If you’ve faced challenges in moving your career forward, it’s important to give yourself the best chances. It’s not who you know anymore. It’s about what you say, what you know, and where you are. Changing careers can completely transform your lifestyle, so you need to be willing to put the work into getting noticed and trusted by potential employers.