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Success is that elusive quality that we are all seeking – that sense of satisfaction with how our lives are turning out. And while everyone has a different definition of what they think success is, there’s little doubt that it involves feeling content and useful. Whatever success means to you, there are ways that you can give your chances of getting there a boost, with a little fresh thinking.
Be Open To New Experiences
Success lies in personal growth and change, and experiencing new things in life is a catalyst to that change. So it’s important to make sure you’re open to trying new things. We are essentially creatures of habit – our brains get used to a certain thought pattern or way of doing things and then try to make us stick to it as a form of efficiency. That’s why we can feel out of our comfort zone when we try something different. But exposing ourselves to different lifestyles, cultures, and points of view keeps us challenged, gives us fresh ideas and makes us curious – all key qualities for making a splash in business and other areas of our lives.
Keep Learning
Increasing our knowledge is another important factor of success. Learning takes many different forms, but it’s something which should be continued throughout our careers as an investment in the future. It could be shadowing employees within your own business to get ground-up knowledge and customer insight. It could be finding a mentor to shape your perspective and challenge you or even trying a coaching app. It could be committing a small amount of time each month to online training in soft skills like time management or negotiation with others. Or perhaps you want to do more formalized learning to complement your practical experience. All the barriers you think there are can be overcome. You can study part-time to fit around work or get help paying for college. There are ways to overcome the obstacles and keep learning a part of your life.
Find A Way To Give Back
Gratitude is a key part of success too. We never truly appreciate our situation unless we encourage feeling thankful for what we have. When we approach things from a place of gratitude we open up all kinds of possibilities. There are different ways to encourage this in our lives – finding a cause you identify with and doing something to help, keeping a gratitude journal to alter your thought patterns or finding someone who could benefit from your experience and help are all ways in. Research shows that giving to others not only increases our personal sense of happiness but it enhances our listening skills and gives us a broader perspective on issues in our own lives.
Celebrate Your Milestones
We can become so focused on the next big thing that we forget to celebrate the achievements we make. If you have worked towards a goal and achieved it, then you need to take a moment to appreciate your own hard work. If you’re always intent on the next big thing and waiting for one big elusive moment of success, you’re bound to feel more dissatisfied. Life is made up of habits and milestones, so take the time to recognise your own achievements along the way and share the celebration with those closest to you as well.