Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

254 Henry Daas: How to Manage, Invest, and Grow Your Money

About Henry Daas

Henry Daas is a serial entrepreneur, business coach, screenwriter, and self-described ordinary guy’. And now personal finance coach!

Born in Brooklyn at the tail end of the Eisenhower years, he has lived his entire life in and around NYC. He has lived his life in and around money, as well – from cutting lawns as a kid to managing a stock portfolio as an adult. And everything in between. FQ is the culmination of his six decades of financial knowledge and experience.

He started his first biz in 1991 selling, installing, servicing, and financing computers to large corporations. Since then he has founded a succession in firms in the e-commerce, finance, real estate, and consumer products spaces. For much of the past decade, he has taken his experience as an entrepreneur and used it as a platform to coach other business owners and founders.

In addition, in 2019, he self-published a 432-page book on everything you need to know about how to grow and manage your money. He offers a 20-week course where I teach it to you, one-on-one. He also runs curated masterminds on business and finance.

In his infinite leisure, he writes screenplays (for fun), plays golf, travels (when not on lockdown), plays Settlers of Catan with his three boys, and does other fun stuff…

Where to find Henry Daas


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TW – @daasknowledge

Freebie (FQ Book)

Freebie (One Month of Coaching)

FQ: Financial Intelligence

The genesis of this tome dates back a few years. I detected a lack of financial savvy amongst younger folk. Granted, I didn’t perform exhaustive research. I studied and asked probative questions of any youngin’ who would tolerate me. The results were eye-opening and confirmed my suspicions.

In this book, the reader will travel through every life stage from birth to death, exploring the myriad touchpoints affecting their financial life. My goals are multifold — to create not so much an instruction manual but a compendium of best practices for managing your personal finances. I share my own experiences from almost six decades on planet Earth hoping my trials and tribulations provide a deeper understanding. And maybe a good laugh. Sort of like a money memoir if such a creature exists. My number one goal, though, is to make it all fun, enlightening, and most of all useful.

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