Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

men looking at a wall

Getting The Smoothest Start For Your Small Business

Getting The Smoothest Start For Your Small Business

While starting up a business is seen as a risky venture, there’s a lot you can do to make sure you get the smoothest start you need for success. It’s not always uphill in terms of progression, sometimes you can get stuck and your business might start costing you more than you can afford – so it’s best you’re able to avoid that! Failing to properly prepare and understand what it’s going to take to run your business is going to be the main threat to sinking you, so better not invest until you’re sure you know what you’re doing!

Properly plan funds

No matter what you’re going to sell, you need to know what it is that you’re going to need in advance. Do you need supplies? Do you need equipment? Do you need extra people? Everything is expensive, and no one is going to work for free – not even for the experience! It’s best that you know how much you’re going to need to pay for before you even think about starting. If you put yourself in a position where you can’t afford to move forward, but you’re also not making an income; you’re going to find yourself stuck and unable to continue.

Make sure you have enough for your equipment, employees, and stock, while also preparing some extra funds too! You never know how things are going to turn out, and if your start is slow – you’ll want those extra funds to keep you afloat until profit starts coming in!

Be meticulous

There’s no such thing as being overprepared, so it doesn’t hurt to plan for every outcome; so long as it’s not going to bring unnecessary costs! Be realistic with your expectations, understand that you’re not going to have customers flowing in from day one, and plan for that too!

You should also be putting extra effort in when keeping an eye on your funds. Make sure that every penny you spend isn’t being wasted. Consider money waste as going backward, and each payment wasted, is a step backward for you as a business! Look for the best deals on supplies and equipment, and make sure you’re not overspending. 

There are ways to make monitoring this easier, apps, employees, and equipment can be used to help you monitor spending. For example, there are fuel cards perfect for small businesses that can you limit and monitor how much is being spent on fuel, if that’s something that you need for your business!

Great customer service

When you’re just starting out, you need to make sure that every customer you have feels valued, so that they might come back and recommend you to other people! Having great customer service can make the world of difference when it comes to growing as a business, so you need to make sure you’re building that relationship between you and your customers. Find ways to make them feel valued – even if it means sacrificing a small amount of profit to incentivize their loyalty! This can be done with loyalty cards, promotions, or maybe throwing in a little extra with what they bought! It’s very common for businesses to have “buy one get one free!” deals going on, and it’s because they’re effective for bringing in more customers!


Bring something unique

Obviously, the best way to gain customers over your competition is going to be to stand out, and offer them something that your competitors don’t! It’s not easy to come up with unique ideas, and you don’t need to be a great inventor; that doesn’t mean you can’t offer something unique to your store! Take the time to look at what other businesses do to bring in their customers, through promotions, extra care, or completely new products!

It can be hard to stand out on the market, but if you want to compete with other businesses that are already bigger than you, then you need to make sure you have something that the customers want, and they need to have a reason to buy from you over someone else!

You can also work with a company like to leverage your technology to provide a better customer experience. The ways in which you automate your business and use digital technology to both reduce costs and increase efficiencies can make a significant difference in how your business stands out among the competition.

Know how to reach your audience

Reaching your audience can be hard, especially if you haven’t yet established one, so you need to find ways to get yourself out there to be seen. What’s important is making sure that you’re advertising to the right people, else you’re putting your money into the void. Are you advertising for the locals only? Signs and such are a great way to bring people in, as well as newspaper ads and leaflets! This is an inexpensive way of advertising and a great way to make sure that you’re only paying to advertise to those within a certain area – it’s no use advertising nationally if you can only sell to locals!

If you’re looking to be bigger than that, there are other great forms of advertisement you can make use of! TV ads might be a little extensive for someone just starting out, and they’re not going to be cost-efficient for you, so looking for something much cheaper is a better option here. Using online targeted ads can be a great way to reach a specific demographic, and it ensures that you’re only paying to reach people who are interested in what you’re selling. It works based on what the individual has shown interest in, and displays relevant ads! Many businesses use this as a way to reach customers without having to pay extra to advertise to a broad audience.

Lastly, making sure you have a social media presence is a must if you’re looking to keep in touch with your customers! Not only are you able to get feedback instantly and conveniently, but you can expand and promote your business online too! This is such a great way to find new customers, and you won’t have to pay anything either! That is, unless you want to have graphics or animations made to help promote yourself online, they can be pretty costly! In any case, it’s always good to put your business on social media.