Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters


Getting Low Engagement on Twitter? You May Be Posting at the Wrong Time

So, you’ve set up your Twitter account and hit the ground running with amazing content, but you’re getting fewer followers liking, retweeting, or commenting on your post. Your tweets may not be that bad—they may be pretty good! It just seems like no one is reading them.

If your tweets aren’t getting the engagement you want, it may be because you’re posting at the wrong time. Twitter is a fast-paced platform; the best times to post on Twitter are when the audience is online. So how do you fix this? Here are some tips for making sure you’re posting at the right time:

Post when your followers are most active

We all have different schedules and habits, so when people are most likely to be on their phones might be different for everyone. And when your audience is busy, they’ll be less inclined to scroll through their feed.

The best times to post on Twitter for optimum engagement are weekdays between 8 and 9 a.m. EDT, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Generally, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the best days for tweets. Of course, these are just general guidelines—you might need to experiment with new times and days to see what works best for you and your audience.

Create a consistent posting schedule

Don’t change things too much, or people will stop paying attention! Find a time of the day or specific days to tweet. You want your audience to know when to find your post in their feed. You may try using tools like “Buffer App” or “Hootsuite App” to schedule tweets before bedtime or early in the morning when there aren’t as many other posts happening around the same time.

Be mindful of what other people are doing in your niche (i.e., competitors)

If one of your competitors is posting at 5 p.m. on Tuesdays, you should try that out (even if it means posting earlier than usual). Analyzing your competition is key to knowing why you are getting low engagement and what you do. The most successful businesses are those that keep their eyes on their competition’s strategy.

Follow the trends

Find out what topic is trending in your niche. What is your audience searching for today? Find the trending keywords and make threads with topics with the highest number of tweets over time—-that’s when everyone wants to listen! For instance, if you were in the sports niche, you could post on new transfers and their effects or even the world cup.

Hashtags are a way for people who aren’t following you yet to find out what you’re talking about when they search for those specific trending topics. Use trending hashtags that match your brand’s and content’s tone in your posts.


Finally, ensure you’re posting in the right time zones where followers are most likely to be online. Remember how much value your followers’ engagement can bring you. So, adjust your posting schedule so that your content gets seen by more people!