Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Ethical non-monogamy relationship

Ethical Non-Monogamy, the new trend in dating

I am single. From time to time I get on dating apps, and I recently discovered something that I had never seen before; it’s called ENM or Ethical Non-Monogamy.

I am an old fashion guy, who is happy to have a relationship with just one woman, but I found this new trend intriguing enough to share on my blog.

I think the pandemic has created a lot of change in a lot of people. One of my biggest surprises is when one of the girls that at one I had a crush on, all of a sudden declares that she is a dude. I still haven’t been able to digest it. Another interesting trend is the increasing popularity and use of a torso sex doll by people who would rather skip all the complications of dealing with another human but would like to satisfy their sexual urge.

There is a new dating app called Feeld for people interested in casual sex, polyamory, kink, swinging, and other alternative sexual preferences such as more than one partner at once, or free local sex sites where it’s very easy to find a sex partner.

The statists are extraordinary:

  • Between 2020 and 2021 there was an increase of 670% increase in people looking for threesome relationships.
  • There was a 400% increase in women using the keywords “Polyamorous” or “Ethical Non-monogamous.”
  • There was a 500% increase in men using the keywords “Polyamorous” or “Ethical Non-monogamous.”

There are two types of non-monogamy:

  • When you cheat on your partner
  • When you an alternative relationship with the knowledge and consent of your partner.

At one time in my life, I dated a girl who was a swinger. She took me to some swinging clubs in Montreal and I participated twice in orgies with people I didn’t know. I was full of curiosity and excitement, we would both perfume ourselves with pheromones oils and then go on to have sex with other partners.

The experience was a checkmark on my life bucket list, but after the relationship died down, I didn’t feel inclined to continue experimenting with other relationships other than the traditional men-women monogamous relationship.

My belief is that people have always had non-monogamous fantasies, but usually, it never went further than a fantasy. But the resurgence of all kinds of dating apps, which are always testing the limits of human relationships and sexuality, the new trend is that, ethical non-monogamy.

Also, people are tired of lying to each other, having a double life, or cheating. Through the birth of these apps, people are finding partners to whom they don’t have to lie.

Personally, I am not interested in any kind of open relationship, but that’s because I am 54 years old and my libido is not what it used to be, but if I was in my twenties or thirties, I think I would be all over this new trend.

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