Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Mother playing with her son

Effective Time Management Tips for Single Parents that are Dating

Table of Contents

  • – Know You’re Not Alone
  • – Make Each Second Count
  • – Avoid People Who Can’t Commit
  • – Make a Schedule and Write Tasks Down
  • – Prioritize Your Needs
  • – Conclusion

Know You’re Not Alone

According to data from Pew Research, 23% of all US households are single-parent households. The US also has the highest number of children living in these households. The second-highest number is in the UK, followed by Russia: 21%, respectively 18%. According to US Census data, there were 10.9 million single-mother households in the US in 2022. Being a single parent can feel isolating, but these statistics highlight that many are navigating similar challenges.

The community of single parents is vast, and support networks are available both online and offline. Engaging with other single parents through social media groups, local support groups, or community events can provide valuable insights and emotional support. Sharing experiences with those who understand your unique challenges can help you feel less alone and more empowered to manage both parenting and dating effectively.

Make Each Second Count

A survey of 2,000 single parents conducted by OnePoll in 2023 revealed that, on average, just 31% of the dates they went on were worth their time. It took single parents 55 minutes into a date to decide if they wanted to have sex with that person. If you don’t hit it off, don’t be afraid to cut the date short and use your time more effectively. If there is one asset single parents don’t have enough of, it’s time.

Time is a precious commodity for single parents. Therefore, it’s essential to prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to dating. Focus on meeting potential partners who align with your values and long-term goals. Utilize dating apps that allow you to filter matches based on specific criteria, saving you time and effort. Additionally, consider virtual dates as a preliminary step to gauge compatibility before committing to an in-person meeting.

Avoid People Who Can’t Commit

Avoid serial daters, and don’t become one yourself. A serial dater jumps from one relationship to another without making a long-term commitment. They only like the thrill of the chase with no strings attached.

The good news is that vetting a serial dater may be easier for single parents. 48% of respondents in the above poll said they had a clear picture of what they wanted from a significant other. Single parents might be more likely to recognize the signs of a serial dater, such as prolonging dates. This is because they have less time. On average, they know if they want a second date 38 minutes into the first.

Why would a serial dater prolong dates? They have a series of “moves” they use when dating, and they make the dates longer to execute them.

34% of single parents appreciate romantic moments, and people who can’t commit are less likely to provide an occasion for such moments. Single parents are also less likely to compromise, with 30% saying they would break things off if it wasn’t a match.

Make a Schedule and Write Tasks Down

Your work schedule and your child’s school and extracurriculars should all be on your calendar. Don’t rely on your memory. If something needs to be done, you must write it down and assign a time to do it.

Stay focused on your tasks and eliminate disruptions to create a distraction-free zone. Do one thing at a time and understand the importance of good sleep for your ability to focus. Stay in the here and now. Don’t worry about the next task; focus on completing the one at hand.

Creating a detailed schedule that includes your work commitments, your child’s activities, and your personal time can help you manage your responsibilities more effectively. Use digital tools like calendar apps to set reminders and alerts for important tasks. Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, and don’t hesitate to delegate when possible. Remember to schedule downtime for yourself to recharge and avoid burnout.

Prioritize Your Needs

Some people say your child’s needs and wants should always come before your own, but that’s not necessarily true. Yes, single parents should (and they do) sacrifice for their children, but they need to be happy too. Happiness is health.

When the child is the center of the world, they develop an exacerbated sense of entitlement. They could grow up believing their opinion is the most important, they always deserve more, and they should always get whatever they want. This results in grave societal deficits.

Single parents need to be happy. If they’re unsatisfied with their lives, they aren’t as effective at work, and they might struggle with providing and caring for their children. Having a child does not exclude having a new partner in your life, especially one with long-term relationship potential.

Maintaining a balance between your needs and your child’s needs is crucial. It’s important to model healthy relationships and self-care practices for your children. Demonstrating that your happiness and well-being matter teaches them the value of self-respect and mutual respect in relationships. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, and don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself.


Balancing dating and single parenting can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. By understanding that you’re not alone, making each second count, avoiding people who can’t commit, making a schedule, and prioritizing your needs, you can manage your time effectively and find happiness in both parenting and personal relationships. Your happiness is crucial for your well-being and your child’s development. Embracing support networks, setting clear priorities, and maintaining a positive outlook can lead to successful and rewarding relationships, enriching both your life and your child’s future.