Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

The catholic church, sex abusers

The French Catholic Church has sexually abused 330,000 children over the past 70 years

The Catholic Church has continued doing that thing that it does very well, sexually abusing children.

A major report released last week exposed the crimes committed by the French Catholic Church. Approximately 330,000 children (80% boys) were victims of sexual abuse over the last 70 years.

How is this possible??? The Catholic Church has been found guilty of sexual abuse in the U.S., in Canada, in Ireland, in many African countries, in many Asian countries, and the Catholic church continues with its facade of do-gooders, pious, faithful to god, generous, and forgiven. And still is permitted to operate all over the world.

Politicians can lose their careers for a sexist comment and yet, the Catholic church continues raping kids, year after year, with little challenge.

Many heads of corporations have lost their jobs, for having consensual love affairs at work with other adults, but the Catholic church seems to be immune to any kind of reprisal.

The Catholic church covered, in a systematic manner, the abuse committed by some 3,000 priests.

The head of the French bishops’ conference asked for forgiveness. Really? Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” That’s all folks, forgive the church for the one millionth’s time so that they can do it all over again tomorrow.

For starters, all of those priests should go to jail.

The 2,500-page document prepared by an independent commission comes. The Catholic Church in France has to face up severe consequences for its actions.

I don’t understand how come people still embrace catholicism? How come there is not some kind of revolt or disgust for association with such a repugnant institution.

The commission worked for 2 1/2 years, listening to victims and witnesses and studying church, court, police, and press archives starting from the 1950s. A hotline launched at the beginning of the probe received 6,500 calls from victims or people who said they knew a victim.

The report says an estimated 3,000 child abusers — two-thirds of the priests — worked in the church during that period. The overall figure of victims includes an estimated 216,000 people abused by priests and other clerics.

Church officials did not denounce (sex abuses) and even exposed children to risks by putting them in contact with predators.

22 cases can still be pursued and have been forwarded to prosecutors. More than 40 cases that are too old to be prosecuted but involve offenders who are still alive have been forwarded to church officials.

How come I have heard of any arrests? How come those perpetrators haven’t been exposed to the public?

Last year, priest Bernard Preynat was convicted of sexually abusing minors and given a five-year prison sentence. He acknowledged abusing more than 75 boys for decades.

The question still remains. How come this is not a bigger story? How come people are still going to church the following Sunday as if nothing has happened? How come people and governments are not rebelling or protesting out there on the streets? How is it that the church is, one more time, getting away with such a horrific crime?