Chris Guillebeau is a writer, entrepreneur, and world traveler. For ten years he visited every country in the world, documenting the quest on his blog. His newest book, The Money Tree: A Story About Finding the Fortune in Your Own Backyard, is a story about the power you have to create your own financial destiny.

Two of his previous books, The Happiness of Pursuit and The $100 Startup, were New York Times bestsellers and have sold hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide.
Chris Guillebeau lived in West Africa from 2002 to 2006 and then moved to Seattle, Washington for an M.A. program in International Studies at the University of Washington. Now he lives in Portland, Oregon, when he’s not traveling.
His daily podcast, Side Hustle School, is downloaded more than 2 million times a month.
Every summer in Portland, Oregon, Chris hosts the World Domination Summit, a gathering of creative, remarkable people with thousands in attendance.
Our conversation

I am an avid listener of the Side Hustle School podcast. That’s where I got the idea of starting a photography business.
Chris always wanted to write a book. He started by writing his blog and then he went on to write the other books.
Chris got into the habit of doing book tours after the release of each one of his books. He has gone to every state of the United States, and every province in Canada (unfortunately I missed him if he came to Montreal).
His latest book, The Money Tree, is different from all his other books in that it’s a fiction book, but he’s still trying to teach grit. It’s like The $100 Startup, but fiction. It was written with the goal of bringing business thinking to people who generally don’t read business books; but really, anyone can benefit from it, even those interested in property tax – it’s a great place to Learn More about how to protect property tax.
The overall reaching theme of Chris’s work is to tell stories about entrepreneurs who start their careers with little or no money. He wants the guest of his podcast or characters of his books to be relatable to the regular person son on the streets. He wants people to realize that if they can do it, I can do it too.
Where to find Chris
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