Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Choosing a New Career Path: What Will Best Suit You?

Right now, more and more of us are looking for new lines of work. This is entirely understandable. The past year and a half or so have been particularly difficult for many of us on many levels. Alongside fear for health, social isolation, and boredom, many of us have been experiencing serious instability with our employment and may be experiencing financial hardship as a result too. The coronavirus and Covid-19 pandemic has completely changed the way we look at our work and what we want to do. Perhaps the company you previously worked for wasn’t able to adapt to new social distancing measures and collapsed. Maybe you’ve been made redundant. Maybe your workplace has asked you to accept a lower salary, or fewer working hours, impacting your income. Then there are the people who have been furloughed and who have had time to reflect on their career and have decided that they want to do something else instead. If you’ve found yourself in any of these situations, sourcing a new career to pursue could be a great option that will provide you with a more secure income and better finances. Now, there are a number of different considerations you’ll have to take into mind to find the role that will best suit your needs and preferences. Here’s some information to help you along the way!

Job Security

If you’ve recently lost your job because there was no longer demand for your work or the products that your employer-provided, you may have had time to reflect on the relative insecurity of many industries and sectors. If your main concern is now finding a role within an industry that is more secure, you may want to look at roles that revolve around products and services that are always in demand.


Healthcare is always going to be required. We live in a society where individuals will, sadly, always need access to medicine, surgery, treatment and therapy. Healthcare is also a huge industry with countless roles, touching upon all sorts of areas of day-to-day life and offering opportunities to all sorts of individuals in terms of careers. You could do anything from training to become a nurse or doctor to managing the most accurate hospital contract management software. You could be a driver, a receptionist, a cleaner, or all sorts of other positions. The pandemic has also highlighted the pride that should be taken in these roles. If you opt to get into this industry, you can rest assured that your job is important and that you are helping people on a daily basis. This could be anything from reassuring someone to literally saving a life. If this interests you, look into the qualification and training requirements for the specific role you’re interested in.


Sadly, there is always going to be a need for funerals too. This means that the funeral industry can provide particularly secure work for anyone within it. Again, there are countless positions within this field, ranging from a funeral director to a pallbearer, crematorium staff, marketing departments, and more. Of course, this area of specialism isn’t going to be suited to everyone. It can be emotionally draining, especially if you are in contact with the bereaved. However, you can, again, rest assured that you’re helping people with your role.

Essential Retail Services

Some retail services allow us to live comfortably day-to-day lives. Think of supermarkets as an example. Supermarket staff is always in demand, as we’re always going to need food stocked up and ready for sale. This is an easy role to get into, so could be a good option if you’re looking for something immediate.

Working Hours

Another important consideration when choosing a new job role is working hours. Different positions have different requirements and not every job is a standard nine to five. Consider whether you’re willing to work unsociable hours, such as evenings, weekends, holidays, or night shifts. You should also consider how many hours you want to work in a day. Not every job has eight hours shifts. Some will be shorter, some will be longer.


Of course, the salary and pay offered with a role will largely determine which roles you accept and which you reject. You need to come up with a budget and determine how much you need to earn to live a good quality of life, keeping up with all of your financial commitments and leaving a little over to enjoy yourself.

There are going to be other factors impacting your decision-making on your new career path. But hopefully, some of the advice outlined above will help you to get started on the right track, finding a role that suits you down to a tee!