Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Changing Career? Stop and Think It Through With These Tips

Changing Career? Stop and Think It Through With These Tips

Feeling unsettled in your career or making the move towards a new career later in life can be a daunting prospect. After all, you’ve worked hard to get where you are now, and throwing it all away to pursue in a new direction can be incredibly tough.

However, not everyone knows what they want once they leave education at 18. Some people don’t understand what their career is supposed to be until their 20s, 30s, or beyond. 

And that’s not a bad thing; what is bad is not being able or feeling like you can’t pursue your goals regardless of your age. Remember, a new career can bring growth and fulfillment, regardless of when you start.

However, when you’re on the cusp of changing your direction in life, it’s important to fully understand what this means so that you can set yourself up for success.

Before you hand in your notice and pivot your entire life, consider these points and questions to ensure you’re doing the right thing and the right way.

Know Your Why

Do you want to throw in the towel with your current employer because you don’t like the company you work for? Or is something more fundamental at play? If you want a change of scenery but enjoy your actual job role, then switching employers could be a good step to check whether you really want to make more fundamental changes.

However, if you don’t want to do the work you do and you have a deep yearning for something more, then you’re ready to make the changes and get moving towards your new life.

What Do You Need To Do?

Depending on the type of change you want to make, you might find that you have many years of intense education and training ahead of you. Or you might find that you want to start a new business and can do so from your bed with ease, especially if you’re developing an existing side hustle into a more prominent part of your life.

Take a moment to fully grasp the implications and expectations of your new venture. The reality could be that you need to wait for enrollment in the fall to get the training and start you need. You might need to undertake additional online training or courses to improve your skills. You might even need to work in a volunteer capacity before working towards a more permanent position. Understanding these implications will make you feel prepared and in control of your career change.

What you want to do and the direction you want to take will facilitate the work that needs doing, if any. You need to know exactly what you’re looking for and be prepared for this.

Financial Implications

It’s infinitely easier when you’re a teen heading off to college. You won’t have as many barriers or significant changes to make, for the most part. You can simply pack up your stuff, head out to your university, and get started.

However, later in life, you’ll likely have more responsibility; you could have a mortgage to pay, a family to support, bills to pay, etc. Quitting isn’t always on the cards or possible, and you need to understand how you’re going to support yourself and your family if required while still pursuing your dreams. Do you need to keep working alongside studying, or can you apply for your chosen university course as a mature student, find private student loans to help you cover tuition and get going, or is it a case of moving in with parents maybe to help you cut your costs during this period of transition? Whatever your options are, consider them all and understand how your new direction in life will impact you financially.


What are your goals and, ultimately, your motivation for making a change in your life? Do you want to be happier, more fulfilled, make more money, or simply get to the top of your chosen profession? There is no right or wrong answer; you simply need to know what you want to get from your career before you embark on it. This way, you will be able to fully understand what it’s going to take, commit, and prepare yourself for what lies ahead.

Knowing the end goals can spur you on when things get hard and help keep you accountable when you feel like giving up. Set your main end goals, then break them down into easily manageable steps to help you stay on track and see the progress even when you don’t feel there is any. This focus and determination will keep you on the path to your new career.

Get Support

For some, changing careers is as simple as quitting current employment and getting a new job or starting a new business. For others, it’s years and years of hard work to get the right education and move in a new direction in life. But whether it takes a day or 5 years, you need people in your corner supporting you and driving you forward. The more support you have, the easier it will be when things get hard or don’t go the way you planned. While not impossible, being alone and making massive life changes is much more challenging and isolating. So, with this in mind, find your circle of people who can be your personal cheerleaders and keep you pushing forward and striving for your goals until you get there. 

This support will reassure you and make your journey less isolating.

Changing careers at any age is a great way to help you get more out of your life and give you the satisfaction you want and need, knowing you’re doing something for you. 

Regardless of the age you are when you want to make the change; being able to make the change and move forward will be one of the best things you can do. Whether you want a more fulfilling career, to do some good, or to earn more money, this post can help you understand the gravity of your decision and set you up for success.