Category: Side Hustle
How do I prepare to talk to the camera
in Side HustleOral communication has never been my strong point. I am the kind of person who rathers listens and nods in agreement when someone else is speaking, with the occasional question and voiced out agreement (yah? Really? Why? Nooo!) to show that I am actively listening. For that matter, I have never been good at writing…
071 Azfan Jaffeer, How to Become Dangerously Efficient
Azfan Jaffeer is a member of our McGill Toastmasters club. I have seen his journey from beginner to now that he has become a good speaker and a good leader. He shares his view of optimism, and personal development at work and his personal life. Work: Azfan Jaffeer is a business consultant with Price Waterhouse…
069 How to start a photography business with a $500 camera
(My friend Daniel Davis Interviewed me for this podcast) One day my friend Natalia was telling me that she wanted to be a photographer, but she didn’t know how to get started. Don’t seek permission, just do it Just buy a Camera, put an ad in Kijiji, offer your service for a low price and…
How to Make a Living as a Dog Walker: The Perfect Side Hustle
in Side HustleHow to Make a Living as a Dog Walker: The Perfect Side Hustle When I talk to friends about their financial goals, many share a common desire: to work less and enjoy life more. Some dream of early retirement, while others simply want more flexibility. The days of chasing a big house or a fancy…