Category: Personal Finance
Ways To Make Money With Crypto During Lockdown
With Covid-19 ripping its way through the world, many people have been in the sad situation of losing work. However, just because we cannot go out to find more work doesn’t mean that we can’t make any money. Cryptocurrency is a perfect way to make some extra cash whilst staying safely inside, making it perfect…
Ways To Maximize And Protect Your Finances Today
Maximizing and protecting your finances is something that every one of us should work on. Maximum protection will ensure that you never or rarely experience financial difficulties. The freer you are financially, the more comfortable your life will be. This doesn’t mean to say that you need to earn lots of money in order to…
Can Bitcoin Work Alongside Traditional Currencies?
Compared with fiat money and other legal tender, can Bitcoin work to benefit our everyday lives? This is a loaded question, to say the least, with some complex answers, mainly due to the nature of crypto itself. Can BTC beat inflation? And how can you use it in life? Here, we explore. Bitcoin and Fiat…
The compound gains of staying the curse
Let’s talk today about staying the course, about doing something for such a long time that it becomes easy to you, whereas you can achieve good results with little effort, something like the the flywheel effect. Staying the Course in the Stock Market At one time, I used to be a market timer. I tried…
Financial Predictions, cryptocurrencies, and political news
Today I am making the case that we should not listen to financial predictions we find on regulars media or financial websites. No one single economist predicted COVIDNo one single economist predicted the horrendous invasion of UkraineNo one predicted that the economy would be so strong with the stock market up 18% in 8 months.…
Safeguard Yourself Against Scammers
We live in a digital world, and unfortunately, while this means that everyone can be interconnected all the time, this also means that fraudsters have a lot more opportunities to get you. Of course, frauds have evolved and the usual email from the Nigerian prince, which is one of the longest-running email scams, may seem…