Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Business meeting

Building Strong Relationships with Stakeholders: 3 Tips for Managers

Navigating stakeholder relationships can feel like a juggling act, but whether you’re leading a project, managing a team, or working with clients, building strong connections with stakeholders is non-negotiable. Different stakeholders bring unique interests and motivations to the table that have impact. So, how do you create meaningful relationships that really drive success? 

Here are three practical tips.

Understand Stakeholder Priorities 

Every stakeholder has different goals and expectations. If you don’t get a handle on what drives them, it can lead to miscommunication and conflict down the line.  

You want to take the time to chat with your stakeholders—whether through surveys, one-on-ones, or group meetings—to understand their concerns and what success looks like for them. 

And consider using agency management software to keep track of their priorities and timelines. Say you’re managing a construction project. One stakeholder is all about sticking to the budget, while another is focused on using eco-friendly materials. With agency management software, you can document these priorities and share updates that address everyone’s concerns. This way, no one feels left out of the conversation.

Establish Clear and Open Communication Channels

Good communication is the foundation of any strong relationship. Without it, misunderstandings can pop up, and stakeholders can feel disconnected or frustrated.  

You want to set up regular touchpoints—think weekly check-ins or monthly updates—to keep everyone in the loop. Make these meetings interactive by encouraging feedback and making sure everyone feels heard. Use various communication tools—emails, messaging apps, or video calls—to fit different preferences and ensure everyone has a way to share their thoughts.  

For example, say you’re running a marketing campaign, hold weekly updates where stakeholders can pitch in their insights and voice any concerns. This approach not only keeps everyone informed but also creates a collaborative vibe. By addressing potential issues early on, you can avoid bigger problems later.

Show Transparency and Accountability

Stakeholders want to know that their interests are in good hands. Being transparent builds trust, and showing accountability demonstrates that you’re committed to delivering results.  

Be upfront about how things are going, including any potential risks or delays. If something doesn’t go as planned, don’t shy away from communicating it. Instead, talk to them about the steps you’re taking to get back on track. Keeping stakeholders in the know helps manage expectations and builds trust in your leadership.  

For example, say you’re managing a tech project and run into supplier delays. Instead of waiting to update your stakeholders, let them know what’s happening as soon as you can. Explain the steps you’re taking to resolve the issue and how it impacts timelines and budgets. This level of openness keeps everyone in the loop and shows you’re on top of things.

Building strong relationships with stakeholders isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a must in today’s business landscape. So consider these tips! 


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