About two months ago, I was encouraging some members of my family to get vaccinated. I wasn’t successful.
- They said that they believe in god, and god would protect them
- That the vaccine itself contains the virus and that they could get the virus from the vaccine
- That the vaccines distributed in poorer countries like my country Colombia, are of lesser quality than the vaccines distributed in richer countries
- That their personal doctor told them that the vaccine was developed too fast and the they should take a wait-and-see strategy
- They heard about someone who died after taking the vaccine
Well, unfortunately they got the virus. One of my aunt is in her 70s with many health issues and poor eating habits.
I hate to say, “I told you so,” but I did tell them to get vaccinated. But I didn’t insist because I knew their mind was made up and it would just create more tension in the family.
I hope they get better. If they survive, they will tell me that it was all due to the grace of god.
My family are not the only anti vaxxers I know. I have friends who think that we all are being manipulated by some global conspiracy. That if we take the vaccine the conspirators (Bill Gates & George Soros) will be able to control our minds.
My personal take
It’s obvious that I believe that taking the vaccine is better than no taking the vaccine. I have been vaccinated. I don’t understand the science behind it, but in this occasion, I have decided to trust the government and health authorities.
I hope you get vaccinated too.

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