Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Progress report July 2024

Amplifying Social Reach & Earnings as a Content Creator; July 2024

When I started writing my blog, about 14 years ago, I used follow a blogger by the name of Pat Flynn. For many years, it seems that he could do no wrong. He would post his revenue reports and everything was up and to the right. He inspired me and he inspired thousands of others.

Somehow, he made me believe that if I started my own blog, within a couple of months, me too… my revenues would go up and into the right as well.

Well, I am here to tell someone, that it hasn’t turned out to be like that. I am still struggling as a blogger. My revenue does not compensate for the hours of work that I put into my blog, and some times, like this month, instead of going up, it goes down.

Regardless… I am learning how to write, and how to think more clearly and I am enjoying the process. I want to stick with it. I can make money in so many ways, I have the capital to start one business or the other, but writing and thinking makes me grow and feel better about my self, so I will continue writing and thinking. And if you are reading this post… I want to thank you for your attention.

During the month of July, my revenue decreased by a lot and I lost followers in Instagram and Twitter. But my end goal is to increase subscribers on YouTube, and those subscribers are going up.

My short term goals are still the same:

  1. To be monetized by YouTube. For that I have produce more engaging content.
  2. To increase my website revenue to $2,000/month.

Stay with me one more month.

July 2024

YouTube: 562 (+12)
Instagram: 214 (-2)
Twitter: 616 (-4)
LinkedIn: 950 (+30)
Facebook: 54
Spotify: 4
Website view for April: 2,500 (about the same)
Revenue $ $370
Revenue goal for August $1,000

June 2024

YouTube: 540
Instagram: 218
Twitter: 622
LinkedIn: 880
Facebook: 54
Spotify: 2
Website view for April: 2,559
Revenue $ $850
Revenue goal for July $1,000

May 2024

YouTube: 535
Instagram: 216
Twitter: 593
LinkedIn: 792
Facebook: 54
Spotify: 1 (me)
Website view for April: 2,647
Revenue $ 1,023
Revenue goal for June $1,100

April 2024

YouTube: 526
Instagram: 205
Twitter: 593
LinkedIn: 731
Facebook: 55
Spotify: 1 (me)
Website view for April: 1,673
Revenue $1,007
Revenue goal for May $1,100

February 2024

On February 2011 I made the new year resolution of taking content producing seriously. At that time I had this many subscribers:

YouTube: 441
Instagram: 176
Twitter: I didn’t take a number
LinkedIn: I didn’t take a number.
TikTok: I wasn’t in it yet.
Facebook: I don’t know.

Previous progress reports as content producer