Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Alain Guillot ending podcast after 5 years

After five years as a podcaster, I am ending the podcast

It has been a wonderful journey. My first podcast was recorded on January 18, 2018; almost 5 years ago.

I started a podcast to:

  • gain self confidence and
  • make some money

I did gain lot’s of self confidence and I got to meet wonderful people, however I didn’t make much money.

I still don’t get over all the wonderful conversations I had with all kind of rich, famous, beautiful, and powerful people. But after 5 years, and more than 500 episode, I am ready to close that chapter of my life.

Oh, about the money part. Yes, I did make some money, but not even close to compensate all the hours and effort I put into it.

The lack of money is not the reason why I ending it. The reason why I am ending it is because, I became tired and I am developing new interests. My entrepreneurial antennas are directing me somewhere else, and there is only so much time and attention that’s available to me. My new adventure is a website design business I am creating.

Thank you

If you were a listener of my podcast, all I can say to you is this: THANK YOU!!!

I am so full of gratitude that you even took a minute our of your life to listen to me talk with a guest.


2 responses to “After five years as a podcaster, I am ending the podcast”

  1. Thank you Arthur for your comment.
    I no longer have a podcast, but I will continue my blog, and I will continue recording YouTube videos.
    I like that you commented… Please feel free to comment again. 🙂

  2. Thank you for your enlightening discussions on cutting your own hair or not buying clothes. Now I also eat from food thrown away by the supermarkets that are still perfectly good once you remove a little bit around the edges. You have made me a better person Alain. I am forever grateful.