Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

A Calculator and a wad of money

5 Ways To Boost Your Investments

Investments are necessary to stay ahead of the curve in terms of financial performance. And, since you have worked so hard for your money, you want to make sure that you get the most out of it.

These five tips can assist you in accomplishing this goal while ensuring you’re being more consistent and avoiding inevitable expensive blunders that might cause your portfolio to decline.

Take Action

If investing were a kind of gameplay, the lane to conquest would be to purchase a stock at a discount and sell it at a profit later. If you possess a house, you have a much-applied understanding of this notion. Contributions should be reviewed and increased to at least equal your proprietor’s corresponding contribution. Regularly invest in your IRA or taxable investing account to enhance your investments. You can also check this out for liquidation of assets that are in surplus.

Be Consistent

The quickest and most efficient method of accumulating money is to automate it. While there is no way to predict how the financial markets will accomplish, you can do the next best thing by exercising control over your activities. Contributing regularly to your investment accounts is required to achieve this goal. The greater the consistency with which you save and invest, the quicker your investment portfolio will increase in value.

Dollar-cost averaging is a common approach for making monthly payments since it saves money. Every month, irrespective of market performance, you invest the same amount as you did the previous month. This implies that you purchase more shares when the market price is lower and fewer shares when the market price is higher. More significantly, it guarantees that you invest your money rather than spending it on anything else.

Take the Correct Quantity of Risk

Investing is placing a wager on something uncertain. Even staying away from the stock market and solely investing in U.S. government bonds might be a dangerous strategy. While government bonds are usually regarded as safe investments, they may not deliver sufficient income to keep up with inflation and offer the portfolio growth you want to achieve your financial objectives.

Reduce Investment Costs

Investment fees are essential. One of the most straightforward strategies to increase your investment returns is to lower the money you spend on management fees and other expenditures. This covers both the costs you are aware of and the fees buried in the small print of your fund’s prospectus, if applicable.

What is it about this that is so powerful?  Because every percentage point you spend on fees directly influences your net investment returns. Furthermore, even modest quantities might significantly affect when added together over time.

Pay Attention to Taxes

Taxes are an unavoidable part of everyday business life. However, the tax code is written to provide investors with opportunities to minimize their taxes on their investments. Like investment management fees, every dollar saved translates into another dollar that stays in your portfolio and may be re-invested to earn higher returns.


Investment is significant in business operations. As a result, every individual should start making some form of it. This is because it will grow over time and help you handle unforeseen circumstances.