Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Hard Hat

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Cut Corners With Health And Safety

Health and safety regulations can be frustrating for employers. Often, the rules seem too excessive and companies feel like they have to jump through too many hoops to ensure that they are compliant with the rules. It can cost you a lot of money to make the necessary changes as well, so a lot of business owners will complain about health and safety regulations. In some cases, you might think that it’s best to skip certain things and take shortcuts so you can save yourself time and money, but that’s never a sensible thing to do.

Even though you might think that health and safety regulations are over the top and you don’t need to worry about them as long as your employees use a bit of common sense, breaking the rules is a mistake. There are regulations in place for a reason and if you don’t follow them, you could be damaging your business in a number of different ways. These are some of the reasons why health and safety in the workplace is so important.

Avoiding Injury And Death 

The most obvious reason that you need to follow health and safety regulations is to avoid injury or death. You have a responsibility to look after your employees and keep them safe, and if you don’t follow health and safety regulations to the letter, you are not living up to that responsibility. If an employee is injured, or even worse, killed on the job, then you are responsible. Every aspect of health and safety policy needs to be enforced, no matter whether or not it is popular. Every hazard must be signposted, every piece of protective equipment must be worn, every industrial swing gate must be used as directed to ensure serious injury is avoided. A lot of people assume that these kinds of injuries only apply to dangerous industries like construction but that isn’t the case. Even in an office environment, there is always the danger of slips and falls, or injuries from faulty electronics, for example. Regardless of the workplace, health and safety are always important if you want to avoid injury and death.

Avoiding Long Term Health Problems 

Health and safety aren’t just about slips and falls, it’s also about avoiding long-term health issues that may be caused by certain workplace environments. For example, employees working on a factory floor with lots of loud machinery need to be equipped with ear protection to avoid hearing damage. Employees working with potentially harmful chemicals need to have the right safeguard to protect themselves and the company from any mishap. Hazardous chemicals should be properly stored in safety cabinets to avoid any accidental spills or misuse. Companies such as Storemasta specialize in providing safe containers in which to store dangerous substances.

flammable liquid storage cabinet
flammable liquid storage cabinet

Even in an office, you need to think about ergonomics in the workplace to avoid things like back problems or repetitive strain injuries. If you don’t have the right health and safety measures in place, you may be exposing employees to long-term health issues.

Protective gear doesn’t have to be expensive, they just have to be effective. There are many sale items such as hard hats, protective gloves, and steel-toe shoes that can protect the employee and save your business thousands of dollars in medical expenses or legal fees.

Moreover, this is why investing in health insurance is so important for employers and employees alike. With health insurance in place, managing the cost of any treatments or therapies associated with long term health conditions can become significantly easier. However, because the health insurance marketplace does have a tendency to fluctuate it is important to compare a few different insurance plans and policies before committing to any major decisions.

Avoid Lawsuits And Fines 

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If you are caught out, breaking health and safety laws could put a lot of financial strain on your business. The authorities are likely to issue fines if there are a lot of violations and if the workplace is deemed too dangerous, the business may be forced to close while you rectify any problems. That means you will have to pay a fine and you will lose money while the business is closed down as well.

If an employee is injured or killed at work, there will be an investigation to determine the cause. You have nothing to worry about if you followed all of the health and safety rules to the letter, but if you didn’t, you will find yourself in a tough situation. That employee, or the family of a deceased employee, can seek the advice of somebody like alex hernandez lawyer and make a compensation claim against your business. If they can prove that you didn’t follow health and safety laws, you will lose the case and the settlement that you have to pay out will be huge. Even if you have the insurance to cover the payout, your insurance costs are going to shoot up after that, so you’re still losing out. The money that you save by cutting corners with health and safety will be nothing compared to what you spend on compensation settlements and insurance.

Reduce Property Damage 

Image From Pixabay CCO License

Health and safety aren’t always about protecting people, it’s about protecting your assets as well. There are measures in place to reduce the chance of fires and stop them from spreading if they do happen, for example. If you ignore those regulations, you are just increasing the chance of a fire, and that property damage can seriously impact your business. The same can be said of regulations about electrical devices as well. If they are not checked correctly, there is a higher chance of a malfunction that will break the device itself and could cause extensive fire damage as well. In the manufacturing industry, checking machinery regularly to avoid dangerous malfunctions helps to protect your employees, but it also helps to keep equipment in good condition so you can reduce the amount of money that you spend on repairs and replacements.

Improve Employee Productivity

Finding ways to boost employee productivity is a priority for all business owners and there are a lot of ways to do that. But most businesses overlook the importance of health and safety where productivity is concerned. Employees work most effectively when they feel that they are being looked after and their employer cares about them. If you ignore health and safety, that suggests that you are not concerned about your employee’s wellbeing and that can have a huge impact on their productivity. If you don’t care about them, why should they work hard for your business?

If employees are concerned about their safety in the work environment, that can distract them from their work. If the area is unsafe, they are well within their legal rights to refuse to work until the problem is rectified, in which case, everything will grind to a halt until you can make some changes. If you want your employees to work hard, you need to create a safe environment for them and show them that you are invested in their well-being.

Health and safety may seem like a pain, but it’s actually very important. If you decide to cut corners, you are only going to damage your business and make things harder for yourself.