Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Stock Market

5 Profitable Investments to Look Into as a New Investor

Many people who are new to investing often wonder what they should invest in. This is a difficult question to answer, but we have compiled some of the best investments for beginners that will help them grow their portfolios and make money on their investments.

Mutual funds

Mutual funds are a great way to invest and diversify your portfolio. Mutual funds can be handled by an investment company or fund manager, who will pool together the resources of many investors and place them into certain stocks that fit within their predefined criteria for investing in companies. The benefit of mutual funds is that you don’t need to spend all day researching individual companies since it will likely match your interests or investment goals. What’s more, there are different types of mutual funds such as index, growth-oriented, etc., so depending on your needs, they may provide additional assistance finding something suitable for what you’re looking for. Additionally, mutual funds fees are usually cheaper than buying stocks individually, and they also offer higher liquidity, which means you can sell whenever you want.) So don’t let a small fund prevent you from investing!

Certificates of deposit (CDs)

Certificates of Deposit or CDs are another great way to invest your money. What’s unique about a CD is that it typically comes with higher interest rates than other investments. Still, you must keep the funds in there for an allotted time before they can be withdrawn without penalties. For example, suppose you purchase a certificate of deposit at Bank ABC and agree to leave your funds deposited for 12 months. In that case, afterwards have full access to withdraw them without penalty. This type of investment is suitable because, unlike investing in mutual funds, which require research into individual companies, this doesn’t include spending hours reading up on financial statements. In addition, CDs come with FDIC insurance, meaning that your money is insured up to a specific limit if the bank fails.

Individual stocks and bonds

Finally, individual stocks and bonds are additional investments to consider as a new investor. This is where you purchase company shares directly from them or through an intermediary like your broker. Though there are benefits of investing in individual companies, such as potentially earning more dividends, this investing requires research into each company, which can be time-consuming for someone just beginning their investment journey. Furthermore, if you’re not careful about what you buy, then it could end up costing money instead of making it back due to fees that come along with some brokers.


Last but not least, cryptocurrency is a great investment vehicle that can be used to diversify your portfolio. Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum are decentralized digital currencies that allow for peer-to-peer transactions through cryptography such as secure blockchain technology. So please do some research when it comes to picking a crypto bank. Instead of having one central bank or institution controlling it, cryptocurrencies rely on something called “mining,” which verifies all transactions in its respective network. Mining requires special hardware and software, so if you don’t have any experience with these types of things, then investing in this type might not be suitable for you just yet, especially when there’s risk involved since they’re very volatile compared to other investments out there.

Real estate

Real estate is another significant investment to look into. Real estate will likely continue to appreciate and provide an excellent return on your capital as the economy grows should you decide it’s something worth investing in. The benefit of investing in real estate over other investments such as ETFs or index funds comes with controlling what type of property you buy and where. That being said, this also means that there are risks associated with buying an individual piece of property, including costs involved like taxes and potential maintenance fees. When deciding whether or not to invest in real estate, consider speaking with a professional who can help guide you along the way so that you don’t waste time and money while trying to find suitable properties for sale within your budget range.

You should consider a few options as an investor, and it all depends on your current situation. The great thing about mutual funds, CDs, ETFs, and real estate is that they provide investors with the ability to access the market without having to spend hours researching which companies or projects would be best suited for their needs.