Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

5 Hobbies You Can Turn Into a Side Hustle Without Much Effort

5 Hobbies You Can Turn Into a Side Hustle Without Much Effort

Side hustles are always a great way to make a bit of extra money. They let you save up for a house deposit, pay for a vacation, and a whole lot more. Many people assume they have to focus on specific areas with this. That isn’t the case. There are countless hobbies you can turn into a side hustle.

Doing this offers more than a few benefits, and it’s easy to see why it can be appealing. By focusing on them, you should:

  1. Make more money than you might’ve thought.
  2. Focus on an area you’re actually passionate about.
  3. Enjoy yourself while you’re working on your side hustle.
  4. Loosen your belt without a lot of effort.

These can all be more than tempting. That doesn’t mean all hobbies can be turned into side hobbies, though. Many of them can be much better worth it.

Some hobbies stand out a whole lot more than others. They’re easier to turn into a side hustle, and they could offer you more of an income than others. They could even be more appealing to actually do. Some stand out a whole lot more than others.

It’s worth diving into a few of the more notable of these.


Writing is one of the more obvious hobbies you can turn into a side hustle. Countless people have done this already, and it’s easy to see why. There are multiple ways to make money writing. Offering your writing services to potential clients is the most obvious option.

Then there’s blogging and monetizing your blog. Add in ebooks and similar options, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to make some money with it. You just need to make sure your writing skills are high-quality enough to make money with. It’s a great option to take.

Online Gaming

Online gaming offers the potential for a great side hustle. There are multiple ways you can do this. Streaming your gaming online and monetizing your streams is just the tip of the iceberg. Some games even let you earn money as you play, and this builds up.

Then there are bingo sites, among others. If you’re good at them, you could make quite a bit of money. Some of these offer a free welcome bonus, no deposit required. You can get started relatively easily, and there’s the possibility of some decent money.

DIY Crafts

If you’re good with your hands, then DIY crafts could be a profitable side hustle. The main way to make money with this is to create products yourself and sell them. Candles, jewellery, and similar options can all sell well online. You shouldn’t have a problem making a few sales with them.

You could even make videos of you creating these products, and then monetize them online. While this takes a while to get going, it could be more than worth it. You’ll end up creating several revenue streams with your DIY crafts. It could help you make more money than you would’ve thought.

Brewing Beer

Homebrewing has often been a relatively appealing hobby. It’s easy to see why. You could also turn this into a side hustle when you know what you’re doing. You could start brewing beer in somewhat larger batches and sell this to people. It could offer you a decent income.

While you’ll need to check local laws and have enough space, it’s worth looking into. With some time and effort, you could end up selling more beer than you would’ve thought. It could even turn into more than a side hustle if you’re successful enough.

Caring for Pets

If you love caring for pets, then this could be a great hobby to turn into a side hustle. There are a few ways you can do this. Dog walking is one of the more notable, and this can often be a great pick. It’s a time investment, but you could still make a decent bit of money out of it.

If you’re willing to work on your grooming skills, you could even become a pet groomer. While that means putting more time and effort into it, the potential earnings make it more than worth it. You’ve no reason not to give it a try.

Tips to Turn Hobbies Into a Side Hustle

Finding the right hobbies to turn into a side hustle is just the tip of the iceberg. When you start off with them, you’ll need to actually know what you’re doing. Thankfully, this doesn’t need to be too complicated. You could just need to focus on the right tips and tricks.

Some could help turn your hobby into a side hustle better than others. The more notable of these include:

  • Figure Out Your Price – You’ll naturally need to make a profit with your side hustle. That means setting a profitable price. To do this, you need to figure out your costs. Add an extra bit on top of this, and then be firm with your price.
  • Know Your Hobby’s Market Value – Speaking of money, it’s always worth knowing your hobby’s market value. That way, you can set your prices much better.
  • Stay Organized – Running a side hustle can often involve a lot of work, and even paperwork. It’s worth being as organized as possible, especially when it comes to clients. You’ll run your side hustle much better because of it.

With these, you shouldn’t have a problem turning your hobbies into a side hustle. It could end up going a lot better than you would’ve thought.


Side hustles can always be appealing, but that doesn’t mean you’ll want them to be boring. Instead, you could want them to be relatively interesting to do. Thankfully, there are more than a few ways to do this.

Focusing on hobbies you can turn into a side hustle could be worth it. Not only will they help you make some extra money, but you could enjoy yourself at the same time. There’s no reason not to focus on a few of them.


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