One essential element of running a successful business is having satisfied employees. You need their help to reach your goals and grow your company in the future.
It can be costly and frustrating to have to continuously replace staff that doesn’t work out. Therefore, it’s more important than ever that once you have them in place, you work hard and find ways to retain them. Start by paying them well and offering annual bonuses. However, keep in mind that you don’t always have to be reaching into your pockets to acknowledge their efforts. Instead, review four ways to reward your employees that aren’t monetary.
- With Food & Meals
Bringing a cold lunch to work every day can get mundane and boring. When your employees are performing well, consider rewarding them with food and meals. One unique idea is to look into the option to Book a food truck near me. There are a lot of different cuisines and choices to pick from depending on what your employees enjoy the most. It will be a nice surprise and a fun way to get outside and give them a break away from their computers for a little bit. You can also consider ordering bagels for breakfast on Fridays or taking them out to lunch or dinner every so often.
- Professional Development Opportunities
Another way to reward your employees that isn’t monetary is to offer professional development opportunities. You can have them pick from taking various courses online or attending in-person conferences. Cover the costs for them so that they feel appreciated and know that you care about their growth and development. It is a win-win situation since they’ll be increasing their knowledge and boosting their skill set, which will make them more valuable employees to have working at your business.
- Health & Wellness Benefits
You want your employees to remain healthy and well throughout the year. Therefore, you should encourage them to live a healthy lifestyle. They’ll feel better this way and will likely miss fewer days of work overall. One idea for rewarding them that isn’t monetary is to offer them a discounted membership to a local gym. Ideally, you’ll want to choose a gym that’s near your workplace so it’s convenient for your employees to exercise before or after work or during their lunch hour. Another idea is to support them if they want to enroll in a fitness or stress management class.
- Flexible Work Arrangements
There’s nothing better than working hard and getting the day off or being able to work from home. Therefore, if you want to reward your employees without handing them a check and keep them happy, then consider the option for flexible work arrangements. For example, maybe you give them the afternoon off on a Friday or let them work remotely on a Monday. Make sure that your office and business are set up to encourage flexible work arrangements so you can keep in touch with your employees when they aren’t in the office. Another idea is to offer a compressed workweek where they work a little bit extra during the week but then have Friday off.