Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters


4 Tips For Simplifying Your Onboarding Process

Onboarding. We all know it, and depending on how many jobs you’ve had, you may be all too tired of it. Of course, onboarding is necessary. No reasonable business should expect you to just start working without acclimation to your new environment, meeting new people, understanding the corporate process, or seeing differences from your past employment. Much like the commute that leads you to the vacation spot, this is the part that just has to be done.

But is it possible to make onboarding better, more streamlined, more comprehensible, and ultimately less loathed? We believe it is. Let’s discuss what that could mean, below:

Interactive Training Modules

If your company has been going through the motions when it comes to onboarding, then you may have e-learning modules that people do as quickly as possible without really focusing on them. That’s why using an Enterprise LMS system that curate helpful courses, e-learning and development modules for need, as opposed to obligation, can help you onboard a new individual more quickly and also test their knowledge well.

Mentorship Programs

Even the most skilled individual can benefit from having a point of contact at their workplace, especially one they can refer to and ask questions no matter what. It also means the mental energy of meeting so many people is only really reserved for introductions and relationship building, not immediate collaboration in a hundred directions. A consistent contact point can rejuvenate your staff and also help you deliver essential information more easily.

Feedback Mechanisms

Instead of just having an onboarding process that might be restricted to a week, you can stretch this out over a few months, perhaps having a weekly meeting with your boss and connecting with them when needed. Feedback mechanisms could involve talking through specific issues, making problems known, reporting knowledge gaps, and even implementing accountability bit by bit instead of all at once.

Tours & Guiding Documents/Maps/Staff Trees

Tours and guiding documents play a very important role in acquainting new hires with the ins and outs of their workplace. While e-learning modules and mentorship programs are essential, nothing quite beats the tangible experience of navigating the office space firsthand, and having documentation to do that. A well-organized tour can provide invaluable context, highlighting key areas such as communal spaces, meeting rooms, and departmental locations – especially if you work in a specific or unique area like a museum. On top of that, guiding documents, maps, and staff trees serve as handy references, even if they’re just trying to remember the dozen people they met that morning.

With this advice, organizations can simplify but not dumb-down their onboarding process, transforming it from a mundane chore into a warm and informative welcome. Remember that with leveraging interactive training modules, mentorship programs, feedback mechanisms, and comprehensive resources like tours and guiding documents, your service can set their new hires up for success from day one. Sometimes, that’s all you need for a fantastic career spanning decades within your team.