Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

4 Times In Life When Financial Planning Is Important

4 Times In Life When Financial Planning Is Important

You should obviously make sure that you are looking after your finances at all times, but it has to be said too that there are some times when it does seem to be particularly important, and this is something that is good to be aware of too. As it happens, there are a few times in life when you might want to make sure you are financially planning as well as you can. In this post, we are going to take a look at when those might be, so that you can hopefully keep your finances strong when it matters most.

Getting Married

This is a particularly important time when it comes to financial planning, and it’s something that you will definitely need to make sure you are doing right. Getting married affects your finances in a number of ways. For one thing you have the day itself, which is obviously one of the most expensive experiences you can have. And then you have the fact that your finances are about to be merged with someone else’s in law. Because of this, it’s vital that you are looking after your finances as well as possible before you get married and after.

Going To College

Perhaps you are going to college at some point in the near future. This is another really important thing that you need to be aware of and manage well, because there are many financial implications here that you are going to want to think about. As long as you are managing your finances well at this point, you’ll find it makes college and learning generally a lot more enjoyable and less stressful. College financial planning is actually relatively easy to get right if you know what you’re doing and you stick with it.

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Buying Your First Home

Another really important part of your life where money matters a lot is when you buy your first home. This is obviously one of the biggest purchases you will ever make, if not the single biggest, and it’s important to make sure that you are doing it right. With that in mind, you should plan carefully for the mortgage application, including getting your finances intact as soon as you can, so that you can be more likely to make the process a smooth one. And you might want to save up the biggest deposit possible as well to help with all this.

Having Kids

When you have kids, it changes your relationship to money forever, and you are going to feel that you are much more likely to have to put a lot of it aside. It’s definitely a good idea to make sure that you have enough money to look after them, and you might want to consider starting a savings fund for them even before they are born. This is going to help them in so many ways throughout their lives.


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