When we fundraise online we have to think differently from when we do it in person. The payment methods, for instance, will be different from when we can collect it in coins or notes. We have to make it as easy as someone just putting a few coins onto a collection tray or throwing them into a bucket as loose change. Most people have something to spare and they will direct it not just to the best cause in their eyes but to someone who makes it easy for them to donate.
So, this article will consider the ways, such as the service offered by mobileAxept, which will encourage fundraising and make it easier for people to donate online.
The website for mobileAxept will, for example, using their app, allow churches to accept tithing online. This is thought to increase donations by a third. Tithing, if you are not aware of it, is about giving one-tenth of your earnings as a contribution to a religious organisation or as a compulsory tax to the government. I prefer the first option. Tithes, these days, are generally voluntary. Traditionally, tithes were paid in kind with agricultural produce, or by cash or cheque, but now technology has allowed for tithes to be collected through digital payments. With a GiveNow Text, it is straightforward for members to give, set up recurring donations, and check on their donation history. There is 24/7 support.
When we fundraise online we have to think differently from when we do it in person such as in fundraising restaurants. The payment methods, for instance, will be different from when we can collect it in coins or notes. We have to make it as easy as someone just putting a few coins onto a collection tray or throwing them into a bucket as loose change. Most people have something to spare and they will direct it not just to the best cause in their eyes but to someone who makes it easy for them to donate.
Social Media
There is no better way to be noticed online than social media. Engaging in posts will promote an organization as it has never been promoted before. Not just to its local community but globally, too. You will be surprised at what interest there is for a cause beyond its local area. Also, there will be people that have moved away who still want to donate to and support a certain church.
Social media also makes communications quicker, easier, and more instant. Communications can be had in real time so that members can have immediate answers to their questions about donations.
Setting up a website is a good base for fundraising. It is somewhere that you can alert members to the latest news and have regular blogs running. You can have lists of frequently asked questions and contact details. A contact form is a good way for someone to quickly say what it is they want an answer to. Donations can be taken through websites using digital payment systems.
To make a website engaging for those raising or donating money, there can be picture galleries and videos of fundraising activities taking place. You can include stories from real fundraisers and how much money they have raised. This encourages others to achieve the same towards the same cause everyone is supporting. Interactive videos allow for more engagement, as the viewer can control what they are seeing and where the video is taking them. As a picture can replace many words, a video is a substitute for more words still needing to be displayed as text on a website. It is a very effective way of getting a message across.
In summary, there is much that we can do to fundraise online. The most important thing is to make the process of donating money easier. The setting up of regular payments is one way. An app can effectively manage donations. Social media can help get a charity noticed and keep it in everyone’s minds. Social media platforms will also allow for more effective communications between fundraisers and those interested in helping. A website can be somewhere members can go to so that they are all on the same page, or singing from the same hymn sheet. These are expressions for us all knowing what is expected of us when it comes to raising money. Support is about receiving donations and technology has made that easier for organizations such as churches, who rely on funds to maintain their buildings and to continue to operate as places of worship.