Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Business people arriving at an agreement

3 Tips For A More Successful Business Move

Moving your business from one location to another can be a big undertaking. Even if you don’t have a storefront and don’t have to communicate with customers or clients that you’re going to be moving, the physical and mental labor of planning and executing on a business move is a lot. Luckily, there are things that you can do to help put the odds in your favor of things going smoothly.

To help you see how this can be done, here are three tips for a more successful business move. 

Plan For The Inconveniences

All moving is inconvenient, whether you’re moving to a new home or you’re moving your business to a new location. But if you can plan ahead for some of the more likely inconveniences, you won’t be taken by surprise when things are harder for you to manage. 

Some of the inconveniences that you’re going to need to plan for will include a drop in productivity for yourself and your staff with everything else that’s going on, difficulties finding movers that you can trust, financing your move, scheduling, and trying to keep your business running while taking on this whole other project. But if you feel like a move is going to be the best option for your business, even with the inconveniences, it can be well worth your while to take this on and find ways to mitigate the inconveniences

Decide On A Staggered Move Or A Sudden Move

In most cases, there are really two options for how to go about your business move: you can either stagger your move or move everything all at once.

With a sudden move, you don’t have to worry about the long, drawn out act of moving and can have everything you need at one place all at the same time. You can get started quickly and get it over with quickly, although you’ll likely be putting in a lot of hours during this time. With a staggered move, you can slowly move things for your business a little at a time. This can be less stressful physically and mentally, but the task will take longer to complete. And depending on what you’re moving, like moving larger servers into a new space with raised access floors, a staggered move may be your only real option. 

Pick The Right Time To Do Everything

The timing for your move is arguably the most important aspect of the move that you have control over. For some businesses, it might make sense to wait until a seasonal lull in business to conduct your move, as you’ll have less actual work to take on during this time. You may also want to plan around things like holidays, vacations, and the impact your move will have on your customers or your staff

If you’re going to be moving your business location soon and want this to be a successful experience, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you achieve this.