Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

3 Sure Fire Ways To Stay Ahead Of The Competition

If you are a new business, the chances are that you are eager to compete with your already well-established industry rivals. As the small fish in a large pond, this can seem impossible. However, every entrepreneur has to start somewhere, and you are no different. Think about employing strategies that help increase your brand visibility, enhance your customer base and build up your reputation. Take a look at these three sure-fire ways that won’t only have you competing with your rivals, but will have you staying ahead of the competition.


Find Your Niche

While many big players in the industry know their market inside out and have a very wide demographic as their customer base, you cannot aim for this quite yet. As a new venture, you need to hone more of a niche target market. This will help you to corner a market in its entirety with more ease. A niche that buys into your business vision and message can make for a loyal customer base.

When you have a product or service that you want to bring to the market, you must make sure that it will land well. Conduct some meaningful market research and listen to the feedback. Focus groups consisting of your niche market can offer honest ideas to help hone your product or service. This will enable you to hit the right price point and solidify the perfect product or service to your target end-user.


Businesses tend to look outwards when focusing on staying ahead of their competition, but they need to look inwards instead. Consider how productive your staff team is and how protected your business assets are. If you cannot transfer your data files swiftly, your productivity levels will inevitably drop. To combat this, opt to employ the services of a company like PacGenesis who utilizes the software of Aspera to deliver a transfer protocol that gives your business speeds that are hundreds of times faster than traditional HTTP. By making your infrastructure speedy and reliable, your workforce can be more productive, resulting in more revenue and greater profits.

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Your Online Presence

It’s crucial in the twenty-first century that your business hones an effective and visible online presence. The Internet will be the number one way of finding your company for millennials across the globe. Ensure that you utilize social media channels, posting regular content that is readable and hones your company voice. As more of your followers share this content, more people will be potentially directed to your website. This heavier amount of traffic will enhance your visibility online as your website will climb higher through the Google search results. You may have the most amazing product or service to hit the market in a decade, but for it to morph into a money-making venture, you need your target market to know about it.

Competing with your business rivals as a new startup can be daunting. Follow this guide, and you can stay ahead of the competition and watch your new venture thrive.