Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Women dong some kind of artwork on a tablet

3 Major Signs That It’s Time to Outsource Your Business Marketing

As a solopreneur, you wear many hats. Just think about it: you’re the CEO, the product developer, the customer service representative, the PR person trying to help your community, and, of course, the marketer. But let’s be real for a moment – sometimes juggling all these roles can be overwhelming. Yes, by all means, they’re super rewarding because, well, it’s amazing you’re doing all of this! 

But at the same time, it’s extremely exhausting! Marketing, in particular, is one area where plenty of business owners find themselves in over their heads. So, how do you know when it’s time to stop DIYing your marketing and bring in a professional? Well, here are the tell-tale signs that it might be time to hand over the reins.

Your To-Do List is Never-Ending

Alright, is this actually a sign? After all, you run a business, there’s no such thing as a finished to-do list, right? Well, not entirely. If your to-do list feels like it’s a mile long and your marketing tasks are perpetually at the bottom, it might be time to reconsider.

As you already know, marketing is crucial for the growth of your business, but when it’s constantly being pushed aside for other urgent tasks, your brand can suffer. You don’t want that; no business wants that. So, that’s why it might help to look into a professional (or even an agency) that focuses on SMB marketing so you don’t have to poorly attempt to juggle everything. You can expect them to dedicate the time and expertise that’s needed to keep your marketing efforts consistent and effective, freeing you up to focus on other areas of your business.

You’re Not Seeing the Results You Want

Maybe you’ve read all the blogs, watched countless YouTube tutorials, and maybe even taken an online course or two. But despite your best efforts, the needle just isn’t moving. Your social media engagement is stagnant, your email open rates are dismal, and your website traffic is nothing to write home about. Sound familiar? 

Well, one thing that everyone seems to get wrong is the challenge that marketing has. Yes, it’s hard, very hard, and there’s an art to it; more than that, there’s social science in this! That’s why you need help; you need that experience, that knowledge, that professional training, and the background that they have.

Marketing Isn’t Your Forte

We all have our strengths, and it’s okay to admit that marketing might not be yours. Maybe you’re an incredible coder, an inspiring coach, or a visionary artist. But you’re at a loss when crafting compelling copy or creating an effective ad campaign. That’s totally fine, no one should ever expect to be the jack of all trades, that makes you become the Master of None- not something that’s ideal for running a business. 

When you hire or outsource to an individual or even an agency, it’s going to get a whole lot easier on you! They do what they do best, and that means you can focus on what you do best. What could be better than that?