Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

10 Things Your Small Business Needs NOW

Small businesses are cropping up all over the place, and the reason for this is ambition. Everyone who has a dream about something sees themselves setting up their new business from scratch, from the spare room in the house, and with their friends helping them to do it some of the time. It takes a lot of stress and hard work to make a business idea jump off of the paper and become a real, tangible, money-making machine. Almost 80% of businesses that build from the ground up die off in the first year. You don’t want to be in that percentage – by any stretch of the imagination. You want to avoid a defunct product, an uninterested audience, and a lazy team who aren’t pushing what you’re selling hard enough. On top of all of this, your business has to compete with the other sharks in the water. So, you need to be one to watch to kill the competition in the first place.

There are so many things that you could do to ensure that the business that you run is going to be a successful one. You could ensure that you are working hard to maintain a loyal customer base as well as work to diversify your products. However, it’s not just these things that will work to make your business a successful one. You have to earn the trust of your customers, entertaining their senses with your marketing campaigns. You have to entice them with the offers and vouchers that you can offer for your products. You need to engage as much as possible so that your customers feel like you have connected with them. It’s so important that you remember that the customer comes first and you need to have a complete package. You need your business to hit all the right notes.

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With this in mind, let’s take a look at ten things that your business needs right now to be successful.

Effective Marketing Strategies

One of the biggest successes in your business is going to come from your marketing plan. We cannot stress enough how important your marketing plan is to your small business. No matter how you decide to market your products, you’ve got to put the customer first. This means figuring out where they are, what they’re looking at, and what attracts them the most. The only problem is that most small business owners are total experts at what they’re doing, but not quite experts in everything else. This means that you need to think about who could be an asset to your business. You need to find customers and keep finding them in the future.

Improved Cash Flow

A small business takes time to build, which means that you need to do everything you can to build your cash reserves. Being cash flow positive is essential – more so than making huge profits! Most people in business see a healthy profit and loss sheet, but are cash-poor, and don’t really understand why. The profit isn’t moving into cash quickly enough, and this is because it’s sitting in inventory or that new piece of kit you needed for product creation. So, you need to get savvy about improving your cash flow, and there are ways to do that. You can try vetting your customers to ensure that they can pay on time, get debt collection procedures locked in, and even plan far ahead before new products go on sale.

Hire Excellent Accountants

Just because you are a small business doesn’t mean that you have to go it alone. To have that extra cash flow, the marketing strategy that is pulling in the customers, and the right security, you need someone pulling all the strings financially. Small business owners are smart to leave their accounts to a professional, but that doesn’t mean you can be ignorant of what’s going on with your business. Take a moment and learn a little something. Take a class if necessary; you need to know what’s going on with your money!

Hire The Right Staff

It takes a chunk of change to advertising for, interview, and train a team of people. Once you work it out, you may seriously consider being a one-man-band. However, you need to consider what you get out of a whole new team of people who are there simply to make your business a success. Good business leaders build-up excellent organizations that work seamlessly together; you can be one of those owners.

The Correct Tax Setup

There is one major issue with most new businesses in that they don’t understand how to set up their tax correctly. You need the best advice before you get started, as it’s so easy to get it wrong! Speak to a professional tax accountant before you get started. The last thing that you want is to get this wrong and end up owing a ton of money in mismanaged taxes and fines. They should work with you on your business model and plans and help you to work out the best structure for tax for your business.

Plan To Succeed

Okay, so we know that you are already planning to succeed. But you have likely heard the phrase “fail to plan, fail to succeed” and it’s a phrase that rings true with many new business owners. You need to know where your business is headed, and for that, you need to keep a copy of your business plan by your desk at all times. You need to know where you are going next, and you need to be able to jot down changes that you’re making on the way to keep you on track. Identifying your goals is much easier than sticking to them, so don’t be afraid to deviate from the plan that you had in the first place. The long-term strategy that you have for your business is a blueprint for success.

Procedures, Policies & Rules

It doesn’t matter how small, or large your business is; you need to have policies, procedures, and rules in place so that you can remain a business that is on-track, uniform in nature, and works seamlessly. When you bring on new staff, they, too, should be trained in the right business practices that you expect. Doing this maintains your efficiency as a business and keeps your professional at the same time.

You Need Capital

At all times, your business needs to have the right amount of capital. It can help you to take control of any opportunities that may come your way, and it also gives you the breathing space that you need to expand. There is no “right amount” of capital that your business needs because it depends on how quickly you plan to expand. You just need to balance the cash you need with the plans you want and go from there.

You Must Provide A Solution

Lastly, you need to ensure that your service or product is providing a solution. While you’re doing that, you need to adhere to GDPR and data laws to make sure that your customers aren’t trusting you with information that will go awry quite quickly. You should be selling something that people need so that you can continue to build a customer base that trusts you and knows that you are honest about what you can offer. When you have that, you have a solid business future. Look at what you are offering your customers and make sure that you have planned the diversification of your product or service to match their needs and what they are looking for. Take time to assess the customers what they want, and you’ll be even more popular!